The largest sect of vampires in existence, the Camarilla concerns itself with the Masquerade, thereby hoping to maintain a place for Kindred in the modern nights. The Camarilla is an open society; it claims all vampires as members (whether they want to belong or not), and any vampire may claim membership, regardless of lineage.
According to the often-contradictory history of the Kindred, the Camarilla came to be at the end of the Anarch Revolt, sometime in the 15th century. The Kindred of Clan Ventrue loudly claim to have been instrumental in the sect's formation, to which many Kindred owe their unlives. With the enforcement of the Masquerade, Kindred had a means of foiling the Inquisition, a Church office sworn to the destruction of supernatural creatures.
Though the Camarilla is the largest sect, just over half of the 13 known vampire clans actively participate in its affairs. The sect holds meetings attended by active clans' representatives; these gatherings are known as convocations. It also calls periodic conclaves, which are open to any and all members of the sect, to discuss matters of imminent sect importance. Only justicars, officers elected by the Inner Circle to attend to matters of the Traditions, may call conclaves. Justicars are always of great age, and rightly feared; as such, their interpretations of the Traditions are heeded out of self-preservation. Coteries of vampires known as archons attend the justicars; meeting an archon is usually a portentous event.
Officially, the Camarilla does not recognize the existence of the Antediluvians or Caine. It reasons that these vampires, if they ever existed at all, have long since suffered the Final Death, and those who allude to them are publicly derided.
Rumored to have its origins in a medieval death cult, the Sabbat is greatly feared by Kindred who do not belong to it. The sect is monstrous and violent, and no longer clings to any trappings of human philosophy or morality. Members instead revel in their vampiric unlives. Sometimes referred to as the Black Hand, the Sabbat actively seeks the overthrow of the Traditions, the destruction of the Camarilla, and the subjugation of humankind.The Sabbat recruits wherever it takes hold, spreading like a poisonous weed and tearing down the established institutions around it. Unlike the Camarilla, the Sabbat recognizes the existence of the Antediluvians, though it rabidly opposes them. According to Sabbat propaganda, the Antediluvians pull the strings of the entire world, and it is this malignant control they oppose. They see the Camarilla as pawns of the Ancients, and oppose its members politically as well as physically. Most Sabbat express bilious contempt for the vampires of the Camarilla, whom they see as cowardly wretches unable to accept their predatory natures.
Outsiders know little about the Sabbat's inner workings. Some Camarilla Kindred even doubt its existence, believing it to be a rumor created by elders to keep troublesome childer in line - an undead boogeyman. Lurid tales about the sect spread like wildfire, including claims that its members indulge in ceaseless diablerie, worship demons, hunt and kill other vampires, and possess the ability to break blood bonds. The only consistent rumor attributed to the Sabbat is
The Vampire Laws
The first law of the masquerade is not to bleed dry humans while feeding.If you kill a human while feeding,you will lose a part of your humanity that you have left.
The second law of the masquerade is not to attack your fellow kindreds without reason.
The third law of the masquerade is not to feed in public so humans see you.
The fourth rule of the masquerade is not to show the humans your kindred side.
The fifth rule of the masquerade is not to use your kindred powers in public.
The sixth rule of the masquerade is to obey your elders and try to help the neonates.
The seventh rule of the masquerade is that you cant embrace a childe without permission from the elders.
The eight rule of the masquerade is to protect your coven and your fellow Clansmen.
The ninth rule of the masquerade is not to talk to humans about our existence because that is strictly prohibited.
Other than that all is approved.Because self preservation is a vital part of humanity after all.
BrujahThe Brujah are brutes and thugs with a bad, bad temper. Punks, bikers, metal heads, social outcasts and left-wing radicals make up their ranks. Their clan is an oxymoron; they're united by their rebellious streak and they somehow manage to remain in the Camarilla despite their dislike of authority. They can rely on each other though, and while their clan is largely disorganized they will rally together to help their clan mates in times of need. Nickname: Rabble Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence Merits: The Brujah love to fight and prefer to get their message across as personally as possible - with their fists. They a +1 bonus to Unarmed Combat. Flaws: Due to their hot temper, the Brujah have only tenuous control over the Beast within. They are more likely to frenzy when taking damage in combat. |
| GangrelThe Gangrel are loners and wanderers. They can go for years at a time without encountering another member of their own clan, much less another vampire. They are attuned to the natural world and prefer their solitude far from the hustle and bustle of modern civilization where they can live and hunt in peace. As isolationists they have become very self-reliant and while that means there may not be any allies around should a Gangrel find himself in a predicament, they are less likely to need help than the other clans anyway. Such a basic and primal existence brings the Gangrel into a close relationship with their inner Beast. Nickname: Outlanders Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean Merits: Living alone and in the wild hones their survival instincts. When a Gangrel frenzies those instincts take over and they get a +5 bonus to Strength, Stamina and Wits. Flaws: Having a great affinity with natural forces means that the Beast is closer to the surface of their consciousness than with the other clans. Gangrel are more likely to frenzy when taking damage in combat. |
| MalkaviansThe Malkavians are insane. Their madness dwells in their blood and is passed from sire to childe generation after generation. Of course, madness is a subjective thing. Those afflicted with it might regard it as a gift more so than a malady. The forms that the madness takes run the gamut of known archetypes - from the loony prankster to the tripped out conspiracy nut to the stoic but sadistic psychopath who might seem outwardly normal and not reveal the extent to which insanity rages within him. Nickname: Kooks Disciplines: Auspex, Dementation, Obfuscate Merits: Due to their unique 'insights' the Malkavians get a +2 bonus to their Inspection feat and the voices they hear will sometimes give them helpful clues. Flaws: They're completely mad. Their dialog is bizarre and sometimes entirely incomprehensible. The voices aren't always right, or even telling the truth. |
| NosferatuThe Nosferatu are a walking horror to mortals. Upon being embraced their cursed blood twists and contorts the afflicted into hideous, foul creatures. When one looks the way a Nosferatu does one would tend to stick to the shadows - and that's exactly what the Nosferatu do. They seldom reveal their presence, preferring to move through the dark alleys and sewers where others wouldn't dare tread. They hear a lot of things from their vantage point in the dark, too. The Nosferatu trade in information and their library of secrets on the other clans is considerable. They're the ones you go to when you need to know. But it will come at a price. Nickname: Sewer Rats Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence Merits: Used to a life dwelling in the fetid sewers they make their homes in, they're no strangers to making do with a limited menu. The Nosferatu get a bonus when feeding on rats. After all, they're plentiful and they don't care what you look like. Flaws: Monstrous creatures, their appearance can never go above 0. You can also forget about sweet-talking a mortal into giving you her phone number or charming them into an alley for a quick snack. |
| ToreadorDecadent, hedonistic, shallow. These words might best describe the Toreador to an outsider but in reality they're far more sophisticated than that. The embrace brings with it a (sometimes paralyzing) fascination with beauty. Works of art, designer clothes and classical music are as vital to a Toreador as the precious blood upon which they subsist. Not all are content to merely admire and among the Toreador are many artists who pour their passion into canvas, paper or music. Their fascination with beauty isn't without its problems though. Imagine if you will a vampire who stays up too late and becomes fixated on the beauty of a morning sunrise... Nickname: Degenerates Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence Merits: Still fascinated with the trappings of the mortal world, the Toreador are perhaps not as removed from their former mortal selves than the other clans. As such they their cost for buying humanity is halved and their humanity rewards are doubled. Flaws: The higher you are the further you fall. Because of their stronger grasp on humanity the Toreador have an acute sense of ethics not shared by the other clans. When you do commit an act that reduces your humanity the effects are doubled. |
| TremereThe Tremere are relative newcomers to the world of Vampires. Originally a cabal of sorcerers and mages, some outsiders claim that they are in fact not Vampires at all and they have merely mastered a form of magic that grants them immortality and share all the hallmarks that is the curse of Caine. Some say that their founder, Tremere, succeeded in capturing one of the Antediluvians and diablerizing him - thus becoming an extremely powerful vampire himself before then passing the curse on to the rest of his mages. Either way the Tremere are regarded as interlopers in the world of Vampires and are not trusted by the other clans. Despite this, they maintain a strong and increasing presence in the Camarilla although they are perhaps only tolerated due to the consequences of having the insidious Tremere as foes instead of allies. They practice and ancient form of blood magic called Thaumaturgy which was made only more powerful with the introduction of Cainite blood into their veins. They are shrewd, devious and utterly without remorse. Nickname: Warlocks Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy Merits: They have Thaumaturgy at their disposal - a unique discipline that grants them terrible powers no other clan possesses. Flaws: The Tremere devote their time to scholarly pursuits. As a consequence their physical development suffers. No physical stat can be raised above 4. |
| VentrueThe Ventrue aristocratic and influential. The members of clan Ventrue tend to rise to (and be drawn from) the upper echelons of society. As such their ranks are filled by intelligent, strong willed and powerful people. They are sophisticated and organized; they founded the Camarilla and still lead the sect to this day. They ensure that Traditions are maintained for the good of all vampire society and direct the jyhad against the Sabbat. While their status affords them comfortable unlives they are perhaps a bit spoiled by this and are regarded as old fashioned and a little detached from the "real world" by some of the other clans. Nickname: Blue Bloods Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence Merits: They can use their Dominate discipline in conversation with other characters giving them more dialog choices and increasing their chances for favorable outcomes. Their status within Kindred society is also a bonus and they are more readily accepted by other Camarilla. Flaws: Life at the top means they're not accustomed to getting by at the bottom of society. Only the blood of upper class mortals can sate them. If they feed from a bum or a prostitute there is a chance they will only vomit it straight back up again and they can't feed on rats at all. |